It’s no secret that I didn’t want to do this. I just wanted to write the stories in my head and be done with it. I thought there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I was going to write a blog or tweet. Eric has been pushing me to join Twitter for months but I resisted. But THANK GOD I changed my mind. No, wait, thank Susi. I had my doubts and she had her stubbornness and thankfully for me she won out. 😉

I learned a lot about myself in the past 5 months through blogging and tweeting. I’ve learned that I don’t need to wear pants in order to write a blog post; which is good to know since doing the laundry keeps moving further down the list as my writing journey continues. I learned that it’s not hard to talk about my thoughts and ideas as I had originally feared and that I’m more open and honest then I had originally thought.

I’m no longer afraid of that anonymous “you” that is reading this. Quite the opposite, actually. I want to know you. I want you to know me. Want to know why?

Because you’re a person, just like me. Twitter and this blog taught me that.

I know what you’re thinking. “WTF! This woman is insane if she needed to start a blog to realize that we’re people.” Just bear with me here; I swear I have a point.

It is way too easy to get caught up in ourselves. Even though we converse on all the social networking sites and do what we’re supposed to in regards to building that all elusive writerly platform, most times we become robots.

Buy my book. Buy my book. Buy my book. 

Read my book. Read my book. Read my book.

Review my book. Review my book. Review my book. 

I’ll say this right now – You deserve to be more than your latest work. You are a person with thoughts, feelings, ideas, wants, needs, desires and wishes. Blogging gives you a chance to let people in, share your thoughts, your opinions, all in a safe place. (I say safe, because if it’s your blog, you can control the comments.)

It shows people that there is an intelligent person behind that latest work. That this book you’re pushing just didn’t pop up out of nowhere. Your time, energy, blood, sweat and tears went into it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t push your book, you should pimp the hell out of it, what I’m saying is don’t forget to be a person, too.

When I pick up a book the first thing I do is read about the author. I want to know more about them, where they came from, how their mind works. If they have a blog I read it. Learning about the author helps me understand the novel better, makes the author real. Now granted, I’m not going to call up Nora Roberts and say “Nora,” we’d be on a first name basis, of course, “let’s do an interview about your latest work next Thursday on “Writing On The Rocks dot com” Have your people DM me.”

But luckily for me, I know plenty of indie writers out there that are more than willing to step into the spotlight for me.

Ask any of my friends in #pubwrite. If I read their book they know it because they’ll get random questions from me craving information. It’s amazing that someone like me can create new and exciting worlds with the same words that I have in my vocabulary. It’s a beautiful thing; but what makes it so great is that I know that these are real people, most with day jobs, that are making this dream come true amongst other “real life” commitments. Inspiring.

Now a quick note on Twitter. Join Twitter and use it properly. Don’t just bombard me with tweets about buying your book or visiting your blog. You become spam to me that way and I’ll unfollow you.

Be more than your work. Be you. Don’t just schedule tweets about your latest blog post and be done with it. Get out there and connect. There are hundreds, thousands of people out there just like you, who want the same things you want. Connect. Support each other. We’re all striving for the same goal, what fun is it if you reach the top but have no one to share it with?

That’s what I mean when I say that I have learned about being a person through this blog and through Twitter. Anonymity is a security blanket that I threw off 5 months ago. What you see is what you get. The words I post are me, my voice, no one else’s. When I tweet and have conversations with people who I have come to consider friends I’m talking as Karen. I don’t have to try to be funny, flirty, cautious, intelligent, whatever, I just have to be me. Something that I was afraid to be before I started this.

So, thank you followers of this blog, my Twitter followers, fellow #pubwrite patrons, Eric, Susi and everyone else that supported me in my journey to find my voice. I think I found it and I’m looking forward to using it.

…You guys should be scared though. Because if you thought I didn’t shut up before, wait until you hear what I have in store now that I found my voice! Woo-hoo!

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36 Responses to BUY ME! READ ME! REVIEW ME!…Talk to me.

  1. Susi Borath says:

    You’re welcome, and, thank you for doing the same for me. We started this journey together, and, while things may be changing, I look forward to having you by my side for this next chapter, too. I am so glad we could be there for each other as we muddled through together. 🙂 Even more, I am thankful for the friendship that we have developed (even if it did take fifteen years after we originally met). It means so much to me.
    Your voice is amazing, and I am so happy that you have embraced it. (Although, really, if you talk any more, there isn’t going to be much room for the rest of us! 😉 )

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      That’s why Twitter jail was created 😉 I’m sure it’s back to the ole jail cell for me 🙂

      In all seriousness, you’re awesome and you know it 🙂 Change can be a good thing, especially when you have people to go through it with. We’re going to be great!

  2. rinnziegler says:

    I cannot like this post enough. It makes me want to bedazzle a giant sign that says, “LIKE,” light it up, and cause another Moonite-like panic in Boston.

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      LOL, thank you so much, Rinn! I truly appreciate your comment and the friendship we have founded through #pubwrite. You a true treasure!

  3. I sincerely encourage you to post, and post often. The web has become the way to communicate with the world, and your thoughts are important. We may or may not agree, but that isn’t important–your thoughts are important. Generally my thoughts are about some aspect of the Bible or Christian life, and that isn’t for everyone. I want to share what “rings my bell” and I encourage others to do the same. Blessings, George

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      That is a very good point. When I post my thoughts, my opinions, they may not be yours, but I have the right to share them; to show the world who I truly am. It is an empowering thing. Thank you for visiting our blog and I hope you continue us while we embark on our new path on this writing journey.

  4. Amy Cavenaugh says:

    Woo hoo! I’m so happy for you Karen! 🙂 I literally can’t wait to read what you write. As I’ve said many times, I really enjoy yours & Susi’s blogs. Feel free to blog even more often – we love it!

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Amy! You’re back! How I’ve missed you 🙂 It is a little scary thinking of blogging on my own site, but this was just the baby step I needed. Thank you for being a supporter, but more importantly a friend. I could always count on you to help pick me up on a bad day. Your friendship means the world!

      • Amy Cavenaugh says:

        Awww! 🙂 You got me all verklempt 😉 Your friendship means the world to me too. I’m kinda back, still in recovery mode but I want to get back in there. Guess I should just jump back in at some point! I think cruise recovery is taking me longer b/c some not-so-good things happened that have taken an emotional toll but I know I’ll be a better person for it. Anyway, this is about you, not me. 🙂 It is a little scary blogging on your own but look at all the support you’re getting. This is going to be awesome! I am very much looking forward to your future blogs and writing.

  5. Guido Henkel says:


    This was a very thoughtful post and I think we all need reminders once in a while to rethink what we’re doing, if only to make sure we’re still on the right path. Your write-up did exactly that for me. Thank you!

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      I’m glad that you stopped by and commented. It’s way too easy to get off track with everything and every once and awhile we need to stop and really look at what we’re doing. Ask ourselves if this is really helping us accomplish our goal?

  6. Karen, very well done – absolutely authors are people, and sometimes the story behind them can be just as fascinating, if not more so, than their work. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying this new path, and glad to be a part of it.


    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Thank you so much for your support, Steve. You actually brought me into #pubwrite, so I owe you a lot more than you know. This group is a major player in this newly found confidence. So, THANK YOU!

      • I second that, Karen. It wasn’t until after I joined Twitter and found this lively place called #pubwrite that I started thinking more seriously about writing again. I still have a long way to go, but I’m enjoying every minute of it.

        I’m learning slowly but surely and the supportive folks that I’ve met recently makes the journey that much enjoyable.

        Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Karen!

  7. Violeta says:

    Best. Post. Ever. On every point–AGREED. The beauty of Twitter is that now I can RT this. Thank you, Karen. I am very excited I joined Twitter too. ❤

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      I’m so glad that you joined Twitter. It is a great networking tool for writers, but more importantly the support I’ve found there through people who are becoming true friends is staggering. See you in the twitterverse!

  8. Phil Bowyer says:

    I don’t think I’ve really seen you pimp your stuff out. This post was the first one, and I clicked on it because we’ve shared some virtual scotch and conversation in a virtual bar somewhere on Twitter.

    Very well said!

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Thanks, so much, Phil!! I’m glad that you stopped by…on my last post in HCWW 😉 You better join Susi and I on our separate blogs! I know where you drink your virtual Scotch, you know. 😉 LOL

  9. Hey Karen,

    Great post. I love the part about pimping the hell out of it but letting people know who you are too. I am trying to find balance between pimping my blog and talking about me. I also support other writers by pimping their stuff when I like it. We are all in this together! : )

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      We are in this together – you’re absolutely right! Who better to help support you but someone who is going through the same thing? Rock on, sister!

  10. Ren Cummins says:

    I would like to doubleplussuperlike this post. Is that an option? No? Drat.

    Well, either way, *extends hand* nice to meetcha. And, no, don’t get up. It’s Friday, so we both know how the pants situation is, we can just leave it there.

    But seriously, it’s just a funny thing about the net, isn’t it? It brings us all so close and yet keeps us all so distant. Thank you for poking your finger through the bubble. It’s awesome.

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      That’s right, it’s Friday! Look at that didn’t even factor in when I wrote this post!

      The internet can be a scary place, you never know who you’re going to find when you in sign on. Another reason for my post, just wanted to give a head’s up that I’m real, my thoughts and opinions are my own and what you see is what you get.

      To #pantslessFridays!

  11. Wren Emerson says:

    I think you bought up an interesting point when you said you look up the author when you buy a book. Not so long ago all you knew about an author was whatever their 3-5 sentence bio said on the inner back cover. Now authors are expected to do blog tours, belong to several social networking sites, and keep blogs themselves.

    I don’t have anything particularly insightful to say in relation to that. I just think it’s an interesting evolution of reader expectations over the last decade or so. I’m really curious what the next decade might bring.

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Yes, I love this time we’re in, where the author can be more than just a picture on a back cover. You can reach out and actually connect with a person. And Twitter is an awesome resource for that. Through social networking we can help each other reach goals we might otherwise struggled to achieve. And I’m with you, I’m very curious to see where this leads t.

  12. Katie says:

    Wow! You hit a lot of points that needed to be said! Writers *are* people too, and often, they lose their voice in the pimpage that is the interwebz. It’s important for others to understand that just because we sit in front of a computer most of the time doesn’t mean we’re robots… *We* need to realize this too and understand that being ourselves is what makes people interested in what we have to say, not just in our books, but in every day life!!
    You have inspired me to be more honest with people and let them in. I need to do what you have done and be a PERSON=) Thank you, Karen!

    PS- The first time I heard about you was when you were in Twitter Jail… And that made me want to follow you all the more=)

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Ah, yes Twitter Jail…a great first impression of me, huh? LOL.
      I’m glad that you’re willing to share more of yourself, let people meet the real you. It’s scary in the age of technology to put yourself out there so there is of course a balance that needs to be found. But only being known for posts about your blog or your book is not going to make me want to check out your work.

      It’s great connecting with you on Twitter and I look forward to talking with you more!

  13. Pamela Mason says:

    Talk to me! I will! I do!
    I really need Twitter intervention — Twittervention?– for myself.

    It’s why I now get up at 4:30 to write. Twitter-ing starts up at 5a.m., EST. At least.

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      HA! I know the feeling! It’s horrible that most days I’m not even out of bed and I’m tweeting! It’s just that everyone is so freaking interesting that I can’t get enough 🙂 I’ve tried writing at night, but #pubwrite is there calling me, I’ve tried writing in the morning but….I like to sleep. I’ve found my groove in the late afternoon while the girls are napping. I didn’t like it at first, but with no distractions, it’s perfect for me!

  14. I’m glad you decided to venture into the blog/Twitter waters. Swimming in them can be, and is, always interesting. And authors should want to be more than just salespeople for their works.

    • Karen DeLabar says:

      Yes, they should be. Who wants to just be known as a picture on the back cover? I want people to be able to understand my work and I feel by giving them a little access to me will help with that. 🙂

  15. You are exactly right. I have lots of writers follow me and if I open their profile and it’s
    1)Nothing but adverts for their books
    2)Quotes from their books
    3)Random Quotes from all over
    4)Nothing but re-tweets
    I don’t follow. Why would I?
    I recall there was someone pushing really hard with the sale of their book in our twitter group a while ago and it really turned me off of them. They used to have a special place in my tweet to phone list (when I still had that) and I removed them.
    Now that I have an e-book for sale I will try not to push it too hard (I set up another account for that). Please feel free to let me know if I do.
    that said…
    #iftheworldendsonsaturday read by D. Ryan Leask to get you in the mood. $1.99 for your #ereader

    • Well that formatting sucked… link works though

      • Karen DeLabar says:

        LOL – you crack me up, Dennis! Thanks for your comment and you’re right. If I see a Twitter feed of just advertisements for their book that’s an automatic “not following back.” And don’t worry, I’ll let you know if you wonder down that dark path 😉

  16. Pingback: » I’m Back, Baby! Karen DeLabar

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